If you’re steering clear of dentists due to dental anxiety or fear, you’re missing out on valuable dental care to maintain good oral health. Home oral care will only go so far in preserving your smile. You also need dental exams, cleanings, and other dental treatments to maintain strong, healthy teeth. At the office of Meagan Elam DDS & Associates in Bedford, Texas, we offer oral sedation dentistry to our patients with dental anxiety to eliminate the stress of professional dental visits.
Dr. Maegan Elam is your go-to dentist for anxious patients in Bedford, Texas. Through sedation dentistry, Dr. Elam can help you have stress-free dental visits. At our clinic, we offer two types of sedation services: nitrous oxide sedation (laughing gas) and oral sedation.
Nitrous oxide gas is breathed in through a mask that you wear over your nose during treatment. The gas produces a relaxing, giddy effect to keep you calm during your procedure. As the effects aren’t that strong, laughing gas makes a good option for children with dental anxiety issues.
Oral sedation dentistry is available in liquid or pill form and is generally taken an hour before your treatment. This medication makes you drowsy, so you feel no fear or anxiety during treatment. As the effects linger, you’ll need someone to drive you to and from your appointment.
Sedation dentistry makes it easier for you to receive dental care without feeling stressed, anxious, or fearful. It:
To benefit from anxiety-free dental care, contact Dr. Maegan Elam in Bedford, TX, at (817) 283-2871 to learn more about our sedation dentistry services.