Your tooth is composed of several layers. Each layer plays a role in supporting your smile. The enamel is the outer layer of your tooth, and its job is to protect your tooth from wear and tear from biting, chewing, and grinding your food. Although tooth enamel is highly resilient, it can suffer damage from […]
Composite resin dental bonding is a tooth-colored material that can restore and repair chipped or broken teeth. It is one of many ways for patients to enhance their smiles when problems arise. Dr. Maegan Elam and her team in Bedford, Texas, work alongside patients to help them decide if dental bonding with composite resin is […]
Just pause for a moment and think about the most memorable smile you’ve ever seen. Probably it’s the smile of your spouse or your favorite celebrity. Whatever the case, we can gift you a smile just like that with cosmetic dental bonding from Maegan Elam, DDS & Associates. And the best part? You don’t have […]