Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums that can lead to tooth loss. This infection can cause a host of issues within the smile and throughout the body. The infection that causes periodontal disease, also referred to as gum disease, can result in some serious problems. Not only can it cause the loss of teeth, bone, and gum tissue in the mouth, the bacteria can spread through the blood system throughout the body, increasing a patient’s risk of certain conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Dr. Maegan Elam in Bedford, Texas, fully understands periodontal disease, how to control it, and solutions to prevent periodontal disease from developing in the first place.
It is critical that you take steps to prevent periodontal disease, as it is a serious condition that can significantly impact your oral health. Talking with Dr. Elam and her team is the first step in educating yourself further on prevention tips and recommendations. Below are a few things you can do to help prevent periodontal disease:
Talk to Dr. Maegan Elam today if you are concerned about periodontal disease. She can help you determine if you are at risk and offer advice on preventing the condition. Call the Maegan Elam, DDS & Associates team at (817) 283-2871 to request an appointment at 2221 Harwood Road of Bedford, TX, today to get started educating yourself on ways to care for the smile to reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease and tooth decay in the mouth.