Sometimes dental emergencies occur suddenly. Other times, minor problems become major issues that require emergency dental care due to being left untreated. It’s important to know when a situation requires immediate dental attention so you don’t delay getting the treatment you need. This list of common dental emergencies compiled by Maegan Elam, DDS & Associates, Bedford, Texas, can help you identify problems that require emergency dental care.
Although there are specific situations that can be considered dental emergencies, in general, you should notify your dentist immediately when you’re experiencing extreme jaw, tooth, or gum pain. Severe trauma to your mouth, jaw, or teeth that causes extensive damage or bleeding requires emergency dental treatment. The following are some common dental emergencies that Dr. Maegan Elam and our team treat:
Pain can be a great motivator in getting you to seek emergency dental care. If your situation is extremely painful, contact Dr. Elam immediately so we can make arrangements to receive you. The sooner you come to our emergency dental clinic, the sooner we can provide pain relief and give you the treatment you need.
Prompt action for a dislodged or knocked-out tooth could help save your tooth, as your dentist may be able to reattach it. Losing a crown or dental filling needs immediate attention as the loss exposes your tooth to bacterial infection. Left untreated, the infection from an abscessed tooth can spread to healthy teeth or other parts of your body, putting your oral health and general health at risk.
When in doubt, it’s best to communicate with Dr. Elam and our team concerning dental issues that arise. We can let you know if your situation requires immediate care.
Emergency dental care is just a phone call away at the office of Maegan Elam, DDS & Associates. If you require emergency dental care, contact Dr. Maegan Elam in Bedford, TX, at (817) 283-2871.